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My Baby Daddy: Broken To Be Used



How could something so good be so wrong at the same time? In this book of testimony, you will learn that no matter how intense the wounds and scars of life felt the days and nights that never seem to come to an end or even the pain of rejection and abandonment faced your every move and created the light that was never green. Quitting was never an option, or was it? Whoever told you that you had a purpose or reason to live, and for what, what worth did you ever have or what value did you bring to the table, did you even get permission to date, better yet who told you to say anything what do you know you just do what you were told and that’s really it! Really, that’s it, well you will see after all that is said and done there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You may discover just what you are really made of, you might even discover who you really are not to mention why you were here in the first place. Oh, get ready because it will cost you more than you would ever know are you ready to pay the cost for life?